UNDP vacancies: The list of popular posts in the UN Development Program

UNDP vacancies: The list of popular posts in the UN Development Program

May 26, 2020 0 By Abbie Jackson

UNDP vacancies. The UN Development Program is being implemented in more than 100 countries of the world. The UNDP organization is assisting in the development of absolutely any industries to the states that are its members. The competence of this UN unit includes research and preparation of projects for the development of educational institutions, energy and natural resources, professional level of specialists, healthcare, industry, etc. In addition, UNDP specialists provide expert and advisory services.

All organization assistance is absolutely free. The fact is that the Development Program has its own fund. It is formed on a voluntary basis thanks to the annual contributions of the member countries of the association. The funds in the fund are enough to implement hundreds of useful and primary projects around the planet, whether it is Western Europe, South Africa or an island in the Caribbean.

Team functions

The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) is the most important organ of the UN operational activities to provide development assistance (financial, technical and other). The priority directions of UNDP’s work are assistance in achieving the Millennium Development Goals by program countries, eliminating poverty, strengthening national institutions in the field of macroeconomic management, protecting the environment, promoting employment, improving the status of women, combating the spread of HIV / AIDS and others.

The main function of the UNDP team is to assist in the analysis of decisions and the exchange of experience on issues of democratic governance within the state. A systematic and correct approach can reduce poverty, prevent an economic crisis, and eliminate the effects of unemployment. Also on the shoulders of UNDP employees lies the responsibility for environmental protection, programs for the development of communication and information technologies, the fight against AIDS and the spread of HIV infections.

UNDP vacancies

UNDP vacancies: how to apply

For employment for UNDP vacancies, an online application should be submitted to this United Nations entity. It is a P11 form that must be completed with reliable information and sent to UNDP by e-mail. The recruitment department will then analyze the application. If the candidate meets the requirements for a specific vacancy, he will be asked to go through an interview, on the basis of which a final decision on hiring will be made.

It is important to understand that cooperation with UNDP means working with possible lengthy business trips. Every specialist who takes a relevant position at UNDP should know that he can be sent at any time to implement the project on another continent. Perhaps the candidate will immediately receive a job offer abroad if his vacancy is opened only in one of the regional offices, for example, in Rwanda or El Salvador.

Some of the most sought-after posts in the UNDP regional offices are:

  • expert on urban planning in the housing sector;
  • national transport consultant;
  • business analyst for online conferences;
  • expert on planning;
  • coordinator of construction activities.

If a young specialist or student under 32 is going to get a job, he will first have to undergo a six-month internship, which will not be paid. Based on its results, the project manager will decide on the intern. Employment in the case of an internship is not guaranteed.